In food… they make a typical dumpling dish called Pelmyeni. It’s below, in the fashion of my area of central Ukraine, filled with pork, onion, salt, and pepper. You pick your pork fresh from the outdoor market, slaughtered that morning (usually). You grind it at home. Then, you mix it with the spices and onion. Make the dough and roll them out by hand.
Then, one dumpling should be filled with only salt. Why? Because Ukrainians loved to see who would be happily devouring their pelmyeni and take a bite of pure salt. It’s DISGUSTING. It’s HILARIOUS. And…
It is a reminder, that NOTHING is promised, that you should NEVER get too comfortable, that even the things you take for granted could turn out differently than you ever imagined.
Here is pelmyeni below, made by me. I love it topped with loads of smetana and butter that melt into the ravioli, plus fresh parsley. It is love and it takes an entire afternoon to make. I am American, and so I don’t make one with salt. I have the luxury and privilege to think that I always can control my destiny.
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Dr. Laura Vanderberg

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