Rose bush Alexey (Oleksa) Novakovsky Painting, 1920


how our being meets our doing

We are a diverse, connected body of global citizens who focus on targeted humanitarian needs throughout the stages of conflict, disaster, and society building. We build highly-responsive networks and have boots on the ground in government, education, health care and medicine, community organizations, finance, military, and technology. Our collaborators are flexible and passionate. With detailed assessments, we identify the most urgent needs with the largest potential impact. Then, we deliver targeted humanitarian support. We excel in intensely challenging circumstances, adapting our approach to meet the needs of local communities experiencing crisis. We apply frameworks of program development and cognitive psychology to create flexible systems where humans and societies in crisis can experience self-efficacy and empowerment. We promote sustainable development for the purpose of enabling people to better their lives both immediately, and in the longer-term. 


we dream of things that never were, and ask ``why not?``

We envision a world where those experiencing humanitarian crises are not recipients of aid or victims of disaster, they are active participants in reshaping their lives in the short- and longer-term. We use our expertise in developmental psychology and education to enable resilience to unfold and empowerment to manifest during crisis. We believe that children, families, schools, and societies will recover and advance when their basic needs are met and they know they can positively influence their own futures. We want to see a world where those who have experienced disaster will feel the connection and ability to support others experiencing disaster. We will know we have succeeded when our partners ask others in crisis, “How can I help?” and then they listen, learn, adjust, share power, and empower. Globally-minded, community-focused. Global Community Corps.


where we came from

Dr. Laura Vanderberg, Founder and President, served in the United States Peace Corps as a Teacher of English as Foreign Language, living and working in a foreign country. The U.S. Peace Corps has three goals that have shaped her career: 1) Share your native culture with the host country; 2) Share the host country culture with your native culture; 3) Provide sustainable development. These goals prioritize connection and development and have underscored her work as a cognitive scientist, educator, and researcher for the past 25 years. The ongoing humanitarian crises in Ukraine struck her deeply- people she loves and who cared for her are being harmed.  We looked around and wondered how the collective “we” could help. And we didn’t find aid organizations that could find-tune their responses to what Ukrainians needed in real time. So, harkening President John F. Kennedy when he introduced the Peace Corps, we said, “Ask not what the world can do for you, but what you can do for the world.” When Dr. Vanderberg lived in Ukraine as a Peace Corps Volunteer, her former students, teachers, and colleagues cared for her for two years, taught her their languages and culture, and helped her develop unique capacities to make close connections across languages and cultures, recognizing the fundamental shared values of a global community. Now, we have the unique capacity to apply what they developed  through a dynamic and responsive aid model that will support the survival and empowerment of humans in crisis. Globally-minded, community-focused. Global Community Corps.


there are some things we won't do

1) No lying

2) No stealing

3) No fake products